GROUP POLICIES: What You Need to Know About How Things Work Around Tea Mastermind What You Need to Know About: Private Coaching Sessions' Policies Please note that all pre-paid coaching sessions are valid only during the period of membership, so they do not "roll over" if membership is suspended or ended. Additional 1:1 meetings are available to all members at the current member pricing. Please note: Sessions purchased at the special membership rate may be used by members only, so no gifts, tradesies, or transfers to non-members. What You Need to Know About: Tax Deductions According to the IRS reps I spoke with personally, my services, including Tea Mastermind membership, are tax-deductible, so in the long run, they are essentially FREE to you! Here's an article I found online that explains more, and here are links to specific IRS publications that detail where and what to deduct: Publication 970 and Publication 535.
Your participation in the group is completely voluntary, and I respect your right to simply observe if that's what you want to do. Because I cannot actually read minds (as far as you know), there is a signal you can give to let me and other members know that you wish to observe rather than participate in an exercise or discussion. If you do not wish to answer a question or participate, you can use the TMM "safe word" which will relieve you of any pressure to participate. All you have to do is say "Pass" when asked a question, and that will let me know that you decline to participate. I will not probe, press or insist on a response when you pass, nor will I call on you again in that meeting unless/until you raise your hand to indicate your willingness/readiness to speak. What You Need to Know About: Special Discounts & Deals for Members Only As a TMM member, you receive priority access and preferential pricing to work with Jennifer or to purchase products and services from Tea Trade Mart and the Tea Mastermind Center. Members may buy their 1:1 time with Jennifer through the TTM link on the member coaching page.
To schedule your 1:1 time with Ronnie, simply find times on your calendar that are available for coordination with Jennifer's calendar. We'll respond as soon as we can with a call or email confirmation, depending on what is appropriate. Your phone meeting can be recorded, and the link to your down-loadable MP3 will be emailed to you after the meeting.
If you have any questions, need assistance, or simply wish to give us suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to call us at 360-433-9454 Monday through Friday from 9am-4pm (Pacific). All of us (Jennifer and anyone else who works here) at Tea Trade Mart are dedicated to providing you with the support, tools and information you need to make your membership successful, meaningful, and profitable. Your satisfaction is important to us, so please let us know how we can better serve you. While we may not always be able to comply with every request or suggestion, we will do our best to immediately address and work out any issues that inhibit your complete satisfaction with your membership. What You Need to Know About: Late Payments Eventually, everybody's credit/debit card is declined, and most often, it is because it expired. You will be notified immediately when your monthly dues payment does not run as scheduled, and you have 7 days grace to update the card. Our system is a little tricky (we kind of dislike it because some members find it so confusing), so we are delighted to walk you through the process or do it for you. Since we don't want you to send your private information via email, usually we just have a short phone call to handle the update, and we're all set. Please note that at day 8, your access to the website will be turned off and all membership benefits, including any unused 1:1 coaching sessions, will be deleted. If there are extenuating circumstances, by all means please get in touch. We can be both kind and flexible, but we no longer chase down people who don't value their membership here.
If for any reason you decide that membership in the Tea Mastermind or with Tea Trade Mart isn't what you need, you may of course cancel at any time. To cancel, all you have to do is login to your member profile and turn off recurring payments. YOU are in full control, so you are responsible for any payments made. In other words, if you don't turn off your monthly dues, please don't expect a refund. If you're stumped by technology, we can take care of it for you. Simply notify us in writing (email works) that you wish to cancel at least 24 hours BEFORE your next payment is set to run. None of this text messaging at 11:45pm that you want to cancel your dues that run at midnight. (Yes, it's happened.) Since technology can fail anyone, I strongly recommend that you call (during business hours, not on the weekends and after our bank's processing hours) to confirm that your cancellation request has been received. While we do not offer refunds, we will (sadly, because we'll not enjoy seeing you go) release you from any further obligations. Please note that all prepaid sessions must be used while your membership is current; unused sessions are forfeit upon termination of your membership. Period. |